Thursday, November 18, 2010

Simultaneous slow-moving and fast-moving

I am already 11 weeks along in this pregnancy--that's over a quarter of the way through.  It's November, and Advent is fast approaching.  My Christmas preparations have almost completed themselves (and how many times a day I am thanking myself for shopping clearance sales through the year!).  It's moving along so well--time, that is--that I'm planning on baking not one, but two pies for Thanksgiving.  I never bake for Thanksgiving, except occasionally an applesauce cake (though no one else likes it, so I end up having an entire bundt cake.  It's a true penance, let me tell you).

At the same time, time is crawling.  I want to hear this baby and feel him and see him (I hate using neuter pronouns--it seems so anti-life to call a baby an "it").  All in the next few months, I know.  And though this is my fifth pregnancy, I don't feel any less excitement--perhaps a little more.  With more people to share the joy of waiting on a daily basis, it's as if the baby is always present with us, even now.

It's worse today because my first OB appointment was cancelled, and it was already scheduled later than usual.  Though I could have gone in two weeks, I rescheduled for a month from now so that the appointment coincides with a visit to my cardiologist.  One trip to Hartford is enough, and this way, dh can come to both appointments.  Now prayers for patience.

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