Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In charge of this pregnancy

I admit it.  I am that type of person--the kind that likes to keep everything under wraps and preferably within my power.  My body hasn't been cooperating too much in the last decade, but it's not as bad as I imagined it would be.

This pregnancy, I keep marveling, is so very different from last time:  lots of fear, apprehension, caution . . . lots of sitting, too.  This time around--since last time turned out just fine--I decided to do what I usually do and to sort it out on my own.  I've learned in the last three years since being saddled with this arrhythmia diagnosis that the doctors don't know much, and they have even less advice to give.  They don't know what to tell me to do.  With that in mind, I figure I know more about this body and the ways it responds and reacts, since I have the day-to-day experience of living, moving and adjusting to this business.

So instead of No Exercise. Period. I keep on doing what I was doing:  a little Wii Fit aerobics, some weights and some yoga most days.  Nothing like the old days, but a lot better than sitting on my backside getting sore, achy and big.

I'm also seriously considering a natural labor--at least up to a point.  I don't know how it will go (and neither do they), but I think I'll stay home, ride out early and active labor here without the heart monitoring and icky spine catheter.  I don't know how it will be, and whether labor will trigger instability in my heart.  I do know, though, that hearing that stupid heart monitor beep 70 times a minute will not be great for concentration and relaxation!

I don't know if I can avoid that totally, but I plan on finding out how long I can do without it.  And whatever happens, I'm happy as long as the baby and I make it through.  We'll manage if things come up, but for the time being, I'm glad to just keep doing what I usually do.  After the fact, they all can write up papers about me.

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