Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two posts in one

First, I got my first OK from an OB in the practice I see to do a VBAC.  It also raised a new possibility in my mind that I cannot even imagine I'm considering.  Here it is:  no one thus far (cardiologist, maternal-fetal, midwife or this OB) has expressed any concern whatsoever about the stupid arrhythmia.  Could it be that maybe it isn't such a big deal?  It's well-controlled, after all . . .

What if I just let the whole thing unfold the way it's gonna and not plan for nasty catheters in my spine (my SPINE!  Did you know that's where they stick those awful epidurals?  SPINAL COLUMN!  Ack!), heart monitoring and lots of nervous hyperventilating.  A natural birth if I play my cards right?  At this point, I haven't made peace at all with that possibility; I'll let it sink it and percolate for a time.  I've got 16 weeks (give or take).

*     *     *

Cruising down the road today in my minimom people mover, marveling at the bass thumping from my Honda.  It's the best sound-system I've ever had in a vehicle, and it's pretty good.  Lulu and I were out running very ordinary errands to the bank, the grocery store and the thrift store (thanks to Dad for covering school today--it's refreshing to have a free morning during his breaks).  Some track from Yo Gabba Gabba was playing, the bass was up (thanks to Foo Foo for the +5 boost) and we were singing along.

I never thought being a mom running errands on a Thursday morning could be so perfect and so delightful, and I am ever thankful to find surprises like these in my vocation.  God bless all of us mamas.

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