Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baby shopping

I love most things baby, except for teething and sleep schedules.  Lately I've been going over in my head what we need and what I'd like to have, and it's a pretty short list.  Cloth diapering means that's all set up, though I'll use disposables for the first week or so (what they send home from the hospital is usually sufficient).  Clothes:  since he's a late spring boy, mostly he'll be sporting t-shirts and diapers, and I have been steadily knitting little rompers and outfits for outings.

I found the sling I want here (it's the city girl striped reversible one).  A perfect accessory for a spring boy baby, and completely unnecessary.

The other thing I have been considering is one of those nursing covers.  I've never used one, and my babies being fussy nursers, have never been able to nurse quietly/discreetly/politely.  I'm also not particularly adventurous about nursing in public.  Who is eager to bare their chests and midriffs immediately postpartum with a squirming newborn?

Anyway, I don't know of good ones, so I would love opinions on what to consider and whether you think they're useful or worth the money.  Maybe, after all, this one will be my sweet, quiet one who is happy to nurse contentedly during Mass.

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