Monday, March 7, 2011

A little competitive edge

What does a good mama do when she discovers that one of her little devils sweet offspring has secretly played a Wii Fit game in order to beat said mama's record score?  And leaves his own high score for her to find?

Wii Fit is the one game I play, and I do it because it's gentle activity that my heart tolerates that I enjoy.  Apparently, though, I like having high scores, too, because seeing a certain little Mii in first place--ahead of my own--lit a little fire under me.  I played that game several times trying to beat his score!  I was pretty determined to leave him a little surprise.  High score indeed.

At 27 weeks, though, I don't quite have the agility and balance to capture first place in the obstacles (or "Popsicles," as Lulu says).  I've still got the rhythm boxing, hula hoops and step aerobics--no one touches my records there.  They can have their snowball fights or that dang skateboarding one:  pregnant or not, I can't do those.  Let me have those few victories . . . and no challenges, either.

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