Thursday, March 24, 2011

The fog of pregnancy

I even love that part (sometimes).

Here I spent a couple of hours out in the yard today--admittedly, sunning my belly for a few minutes here and there on my front porch rocker--neatening up, dead-heading, weeding, etc, and then wondering later why I felt so stinking stiff and taxed . . . it just occurred to me that my yardwork + third trimester might have something to do with the way my back feels!

I think it's worse this time, the fogginess and absent-mindedness.  I keep trying to leave myself little reminders to stay on track:  if I leave the toothpaste out, I'll remember that's why I'm in the bathroom.  If I get out the peanut butter, I'll remember that I was in the middle of making lunches.  Honestly I've been forgetting everything even as I'm doing it!

It makes me smile (most of the time)--in my past pregnancies, I can remember becoming extraordinarily annoyed by the whole business.  I'm the one who runs the show over here, after all!  If I'm not on it, it's not happening!  But I've learned that sometimes the world won't come to an end if I'm not on it, and if it doesn't get done right away (or at all), life continues.

It's been a good lesson for prideful me, and now I kind of like being reminded that I'm not so essential.  I can let things go.  Things can be neglected and forgotten.  Either they'll get done later, or the rush and hurry wasn't necessary.

So help me, sometime when I'm not pregnant I'll take those lessons to heart!

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