Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vests and shrugs

I've finished two vests recently, including this one for Doodle for Easter.

It's not a pretty picture because it's blocking--that little bath that magically transforms knitted goods.  Anyway, I can't show you the other one because it's kind of a surprise, though maybe not for long.  Apparently the occasion it's for is not for a few weeks, and either I knit it fast or time is entering that altered state that can only mean third trimester.

Here we are, though, with two finished vests.  Woven in, blocked and all.  Did I mention that I hate picking up stitches for ribbings?

I'm waffling on the shrug.  The lace pattern I chose didn't work.  I tried four times.  I've got a new one, but I don't know if I like it.  On top of that, I kind of wish it were a limey green, a real spring breath of fresh air.  The apricot is nice, but I wanted something a little punchy.  Hmmm.  We'll see how that goes.

Snow's back for a day or two, so I'll be inside instead of cleaning up in the yard.  I'm half-tempted to run to my yarn store again for provisions.

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