Monday, March 21, 2011

More projects

A friend recently inspired me to assume another project, and this one has a deadline:  Easter.  I'm on to one of those shrugs that ties in the front--a nice little accent to my growing abdominal melon . . . It's like a bogue sound beauty these days (and I do love it!).  Eleven weeks is all, but why not have a great accessory?

What sealed it for me is that the two spring maternity dresses I have are sleeveless, and not only is April still chilly here in New England, but I also shun bare shoulders for Mass.  Gauche, don't you think?  Here's where I'm starting, though I'll knit knotted openwork instead of plain ole plain ole, and I'll add some sleeves.  I picked up an awesome cashmere blend--soft as my Lulu's fluffies--on clearance at my LYS.  It's a perfect color for me, too--a cheerful, springy apricot.  I can't wait to cast on.

I have to finish a vest I started for Doodle, though, if it kills me.  There's really only an hour or two more of work left on it, but I can barely stand the thing anymore.  Especially now that there are fun projects on the horizon.

Also rumbling around in my head:  a little owl-motif outfit for New Baby and a lace scarf in some beautiful hand-dyed laceweight (ack!) . . . when this most recent bout of winter weather passes, the garden is ready to be primed, too.  I've plenty to keep me occupied--I'm optimistic.

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