Monday, March 14, 2011

A lenten favorite

I'm a little late in getting to this, but who wants to sit at the computer and write when the weekend is blissfully busy and restful?  I'm warming to them--it's a different kind of work on the weekends.

We try to make pretzels every Friday during Lent as a reminder of our prayers and fasting, and it's fun to be eating something traditional and new at the same time.  These came out particularly well, and they're so simple.  This isn't the exact recipe (I subbed in whole wheat flour and honey), but you get the idea.  They're a cinch to make and the kids love rolling and shaping them.  We top them with coarse salt or sugar.  Even though I was thrilled with how they came out (it being a year since I last made them), I'll be sure to leave them in the oven another minute or two to make them crunchier.

This week:  cinnamon-sugar pretzels!

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