Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Hope

On the purely physical level this Easter Monday, I am exhilarated to be 34 weeks along and to have spent the last several hours in the yard digging in a new flower bed.  Shoveling, hauling, weeding and planting . . . with some help from my favorite day-laborers.

If I were a better blogger, I'd have pictures of us all working.  Of course, if I had pictures, that would mean I wasn't working.

Big as an ox out digging in my yard at 34 weeks, I couldn't help thinking that one day it won't even be a surprise to put in a good day's work.  One day I'll be on my feet busy all day and I won't even stop to check my heartrate.  I won't have to rest or ease up.  I'll work as hard as I want to.

It's a tiny part of the promise I look forward to--the new, full life where all afflictions disappear.  I probably won't even think about what it was like here having all those worries and anxieties.  Healed and whole, it will be one eternal childhood:  simple, uncomplicated bliss and joy.

Easter is like that:  if not perfectly, at least enough to show us a taste of true happiness.  The quiet contentment of the children playing together, enjoying treats and the slow pace of a feast day, followed by a day off from routine and obligations--yet another blessing our Lord freely gives.

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