Monday, May 2, 2011


Lately there hasn't been a lot of time for just plain ole time wasting, and anyone who knows me knows that there usually isn't time for wasting time.  Is it the German in me?  Who knows.

As it is, the day's been mostly productive, except I didn't dust (though 3 loads of laundry are done).  I planned and thought about things today, so that counts as something.  Like the cookie jar is empty (BAD mama, I know!), so I pulled out butter to make some . . . sometime.

It all got derailed this morning when I got a call from my poor husband, who sounded mortified to be calling, because as it turns out, he left his laptop home.  30 minutes away (each trip).  Kids were not dressed; I was not showered yet (though Load One was steadily laundering).  Righting that wrong sucked out an hour and a half--that's like a week for me--out of the morning (which is the best time of day for me).

I could blame him, therefore, for my lack of productivity, initiative, efficiency and etc, but you know?  I'm 35 weeks over here.  I've got a good 25 lbs of knees, elbows, feet and hiccups tucked under my ribs, and every once in a while, a slow day sounds good to me.

I could've done some yoga (and I still might, because I'm feeling more cheerful now than before).  I had diaper bags on the brain--one of the few new things I splurge on with each baby--and so I looked.

Can I just pause here and mention that it's one of the few things I get teased about?  The fact that I have a strong love-hate relationship with diaper bags?  How is it so hard (I even wonder this myself) to find a bag that totes a couple of dipes, some wipes, an outfit, a burp cloth, and my regular purse stuff?  It's me:  I know.

I don't like heaving a 70-lb behemoth.  I don't like endless searching for the damn chapstick (or the stupid phone).  I don't like inviting everyone to saddle me with all their stuff because I have said Mary Poppins tote bag.  Plus, it needs to be compatible with a sling, which is where every baby belongs for the first few months of life in the fresh air.

Right now my head is spinning from all the fabric and design choices on etsy.  Way better than ebay, and I love the idea of supporting some WAHM--definitely worth a few extra bucks.  I've got my eye on a couple, but for now, I better go stretch and move some.  That 25 lbs isn't getting any lighter any time soon (this week, that is).

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