Sunday, May 8, 2011

A very academic post

Because I'm about to post that I have nothing to say.  If I were an academic, though, I suppose I wouldn't be owning up to having nothing to say.  I would just say nothing for 30 pages (with citations) and list it on my year-end review.

The fact is that I don't have much to say.  A lot has been going on, and just when the pace should've slowed down.  Just when I think there will be less to do, more comes along.  By the end of the coming week, I think the rush will be over:  there are checkups, tests, business, home maintenance services, concerts, lessons, practices . . . Who am I kidding?  Until this baby is born, I have plenty to do.

That's a kind of blessing, I know, because at 35 w 6 d, I'm already wondering how much longer we have.  The last weeks always seem So. Much. Longer.  Having tons to do helps, but it also makes an already-tired  mama spent--I'm not getting any smaller or lighter in the next 4 weeks!

I've reached that point now that I'm just ticking things off lists and not really thinking too much, and that's why I have nothing to say.  Good things have happened.  Bad things have happened.  Things have gone according to plan and not.  And it's all just whooshing past while I attempt to keep the floors clean and food on the table.  Hanging on till it passes--that's me.

So pardon my silence, please, and drop a few prayers for me if you can.  I have a lot on my mind and a lot on my lists, and a ponderous four weeks ahead.  I'll be around, but maybe not much.

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