Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hideous mittens and no going back

I'm halfway through a mitten for myself and I hate it.  It is atrocious.  Every round is like punishment it's so ugly.

Just look at this hideous thing--yes, that is purple, orange, lime green and red.  I wish it were only bad lighting in the picture and not just crappy yarn.
Will I rip it out?  Nope.

Couple of reasons (just in case you needed to see what's inside my head):

1.  It's for me.  In my book, when I knit for myself, I'm taking away time from real projects.  (Never mind that I actually need a pair of mittens because my old ones have a big ole hole in the thumb.  Psssh.  Storebought woolens.  They're probably an acrylic blend.)

2.  The yarn is old and must go.  It has to be used up.  It's been in the stash since I first started knitting and didn't know a dang thing about choosing yarn.  Self-striping?  I hate it. (Though sometimes it's acceptable in sock yarns.)

3.  I don't really have any other good options for mitten wool right now, unless you count that stupid pastel self-striping acrylic blend I bought way back in the day.  Seriously:  who let me buy that stuff?

3.  Most important:  I don't go back for anything.  Ask my poor husband.  I have a thing about returning home to retrieve forgotten items.  I hate going back.  If I leave my knitting home when we're going for a drive, too bad for me.  If I forgot my grocery list, better hope my memory's working well.  If I didn't get the library books, I'll have to make a trip another time.  They can sit and junk up my stairs for another day or two.  It's all the time lost in retracing steps, I think.  I'd much rather have the penance of doing without the thing I forgot than the shame of redoing something that should have been so simple to do in the first place.

So there it is, folks:  looks like I'll be wearing ugly mittens to shovel snow for the next several years.

On the plus side, they'll be warm at 6 sts/in, and no one will take them.

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