Sunday, January 9, 2011


It doesn't come naturally to me.  I'm not the kind of girl who takes it easy.  Ask anyone who knows me:  sitting down is something that is just not done until the end of the day (and maybe during meals).

Okay, I'm not that bad, but I do love to be busy.  Being unoccupied is a danger to the soul . . .

This pregnancy, though, there have been moments when I realize that I just cannot go any further.  Some days it's because I've done so much and been up and about for too long.  Sometimes it's because I frequently wake at 3-4 am and can't get back to sleep.  Some days, I think it's just my body's way of reminding me that I'm not so young anymore, and that there are only so many demands I can place on my poor brother ass.

Last night around 5 pm there was nothing I wanted more than to change into pajamas, crawl into bed, knit, read, sip some tea and relax.  Normally I would ignore this impulse--that's extraordinarily indulgent, don't you think? my conscience would chide.  But dinner was in the crockpot and there was no reason not to ask.  Besides, I had finished 3 loads of laundry, fetched the week's groceries and gone sledding with the kids ("Gone sledding" meaning "Slugged uphill after every run to keep each kid from falling").

So I asked (and I received!).  Hubby put on Star Wars, popped popcorn (several times, from the look of the living room this morning), and cuddled the kids while Mama rested.  As in closed the door and didn't let Lulu come snuggle (which also means jumping in turn on the bed and on Mama).  I was too tired to knit, so that tells you something.  I perused some pregnancy books, said some prayers and dozed a little.  It was glorious.

This morning, I slept til 5 and feel completely recharged.  Today:  down come the Christmas decorations, and if we can, a little more sledding.

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