And that means that there's a baby coming pretty soon. Wow. For some reason, this one isn't lasting nearly as long as I remember the others being--not that I went late, but by the end, it was more than Time. I can't believe I am where I am, and I keep checking the calendar to see if there is some mistake. Nope: less than 3 weeks now.
Two things today (aside from the calendar) tell me he's coming along soon: regular contractions (including one that really meant it) and a strong need to clean my windowsills. Yes, windowsills. The windows need to be washed, too, but the sills were so gunky that I decided I should clean them on a separate day. Tomorrow I'll do the glass.
When I got to the sills, suddenly the wipedown I had been planning on wasn't nearly enough. Those crevices, full of dirt, ick and black stuff, had to be scoured. I could've used a toothbrush if I had thought of it while I was doing it. About midway through the third window, my rational self re-emerged and I realized that this was some nifty nesting going down.
Damn right, clean windowsills! The thing with nesting for me is that it emerges entirely from a calm realization that I won't be attacking that kind of chore for months (maybe even a year or more). Better to get it done now than to wait and have it be a year dirtier/unorganized/undone. I try not to get crazy, and I'm pretty sure the windowsills are the extreme limit this time around.
While I cleaned, I thought about contingencies. I do love having all these kids, but then there's thinking about what to do with them when I'm out of commission. How I'll get the oldest to his finals if Go Time happens in two weeks. That I better put up some frozen food for him to feed himself should he find himself on his own. Whether I can call my friend in the early hours of the morning to take my littles if I find myself in gear and needing to go. Whether I'll be able to reach dear husband during the day, since he never carries/leaves on his cell phone. There's a list in there somewhere, and perhaps I'll spend my resting moments this afternoon sorting out the possibilities.
It's May 19, and it feels like I need another month or two!
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