Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nesting takes a new turn

Feeling antsy and giddy, in a halfway-anxious kind of way for no reason (or is there a reason?!), and having no real chores that I want to do (though it remains to clean behind the stove & fridge), apparently my brain has gone domestic/crafty.

The other night I woke up and remembered that I had pitched all the baby washcloths.  They were pretty pathetic after several years of use, and they were crummy to begin with, and I distinctly recall thinking that they weren't worth the drawer space.  So I don't have any baby washcloths.

At the same time, my diaper wipes are looking a little worn-on.  That's alotta washing they've been subject to, these cloth diapering years.

So in the store I discovered that I could pay $8 for similarly crummy washcloths, and I thought, geez, I should be able to make these cheaper and nicer.  Indeed, I could:  years back I picked up some hemp fabrics on ebay (back when it was just regular folks selling their stuff) to make my own fitted dipes.  Yes, I did make my own dipes way back then--that's what got me into sewing.  It's also what got me a serger, which brings me to today.

After an hour, I had rethreaded the machine (pink didn't seem right, though I know New Baby wouldn't care) and serged a dozen each new wipes and washcloths.  Hemp fleece--cushy and thick for the wipes, and french terry for the washcloths.   All trimmed in red and ready to go!

While not perfectly uniform in size or shape, they'll do the trick
I am pleased that I could use up some resources, do something useful and not spend anything at all for something I need . . . but there's a nagging anxiety still.  So I baked some cheesecake bars.  It's our friend Tom's birthday, and even though he won't be over, we'll eat them in honor of him.

They look plain, but it's pure, creamy cheesecake
Since that didn't do it either, I moved on to socks for the baby.  I've already completed one pair, but this morning just before Mass I remembered that I had none to take to the hospital for his brand-new toes.  Technically, of course, this is not true:  I have some kind of foldover-Target-type socks, but why shouldn't brand new toes have brand new, hand-knitted socks?  They take about 30 minutes to knit.  So there's another project, perhaps for today if I can't kick the edginess.

But I hate a gusset/heel flap sock:  they look so clunky and wrong.  Short row heels are way better, so I decided to put together my own pattern using Tessknits' recommendations.  I've almost got that worked out, and we'll see how it goes come actually knitting.  There's a perfect bamboo blend just waiting to be cast on . . .
See?  It's just asking to be made into teeny newborn ankle socks
I'll let you know how it all goes!  I'm off to run some errands and shake off my restlessness.  If that doesn't do it, for sure some yoga will.

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