Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Project updates

I finished mulching the front bed, and I've pretty much decided that I don't want to fool with a vegetable garden this year.  I'll let it go fallow--next summer will be easier.  It's just that if I plant it and don't get around to tending it, it will be a depressing waste.  There will be enough to keep me busy, I'm sure.

Knitting has made a bit of a comeback, though lots of distractions have kept me from making better progress.  Here is an assortment of recently finished projects:

The little onesie for New Baby

Matching socks (though the light is bad so it doesn't look it)

Here's what's on the needles right now:

Basketweave blanket, in progress and going fast

 A cap-sleeve top for Beatle (so far only the bottom ruffle is complete)

Turns out my camera must be dying--these are terrible pictures.  Could it have been dropped once too many times?  Yet another potential expense that for now will be overlooked, and I hope forgiven me by any readers out there.  

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